Does Audting Courses at CarletonU Fullfill Required Course Load?
November 20, 2022
tldr: Auditing courses does not fullfill 4 courses per semester requirement for co-op and for student health insurance
A random blog by a random human
November 20, 2022
tldr: Auditing courses does not fullfill 4 courses per semester requirement for co-op and for student health insurance
October 31, 2022
As a note to myself, I would like to explore how to generate a symbols file but ship to the customer a stripped binary lacking of any debugging symbols but still be able to debug customer’s issue.
October 4, 2022
A short blog, more like a note to myself about the character limit on shebang.
Shebang in the UNIX-like world is the characters #!
at the beginning of a script
to indicate the interpreter’s path.
September 4, 2022
A question arosed in my head when I was answering some questions about Github Pages to a student. What happens when you have a github page that corresponds to your Github name that contains a directory with the same name as another repository on your account. To elaborate, all Github pages on your account is a directory under a domain name reserved for each account which follows the following pattern:
August 30, 2022
August 25, 2022
This is a course review of MATH2107 - Linear Algebra II taken at CarletonU in the summer of 2022. The course took a “reverse-style” classroom teaching where the lectures were pre-recorded and students were expected (but was optional) to attend lectures to solve problems relating to the lectures. The tutorials were also in-person. The review will be split into two main sections, a long commentary about what the course is about and a section dedicated to reviewing and discussing the organization of the course and how I studied for the course.