A random blog discussing various topics in Computer Science and Programming that I find interesting to write about. It mostly serves as a medium to test or reiterate to myself what I learned.
- GDB - Mix Source Code with Assembly
- The Value of An Uninitialized Global Variable
- Possible Linker Options to Use to Replicate xlC bloadmap Option on ld
- What is Name Mangling
- C Programming - Variable Length Array (VLA)
- Error Loading Shared Library Even If File Exists
- What Goes on When you Press the Play Button
- printf - Reorder Arguments using $
- Debugging expr with ldd
- Dangers of Improper Macro Naming
- A look at Double Pointers
- Another Look at CONST in C
- A Look at Input Buffer and Scanf
- Another Look at scanf - scanset
- Debugging Symbols - A Basic Look at Separating Debug Symbols
- recvfrom - Obtaining the Return Address
- Polluting the Web With a Useless 5 argument main function
- The Sign of Char
- Stack Overflow: The Case of a Small Stack
Highlevel Overview of Topics
- An Overview of Build and DevOps from A Semi-Outside Perspective
- Software Portability
- Bias UTM CS Course Review
- Computer Science – A Long and Gargled Explanation
- A Quick Look Into Half-Width and Full-Width Characters
- Verifying Email Signature Manually
Dev Blogs
- Utilizing Aliases and Interactive Mode to Force Users to Think Twice Before Deleting Files
- Splitting Files on Linux
- Fluent Bit Avro Frustration
- Duplicate a Fluent-Bit Plugin
- Rust - Invoking Closures in a Struct
- Rust - Exploring the Assembly Code between Mutable and Shadow Variables
- QNX - An Introduction to Adapative Partitioning Scheduler and How to Bankrupt Partitions
- QNX - The Search for the Release Notes
- QNX - You Shall Not Slay the Client
- Misconfigured Hostname
- ct - Bad Phone Number
- Random Thoughts about Tee
- Github App Limiation: Not All Refs Are Readable Error
- Github Apps on GHE: Your Private Key is not Correct
- Testing GithubPages Repo and Directory Conflict Resolution
- Shellbang Character limit
- How to Check if an Application is PAM-Aware
- An Uninteresting Glance At Strings