An Uninteresting Glance At Strings

An uninteresting post about looking at the generated assembly code of a simple program that just stores a string. I got bored at work and decided to randomly look at strings. Nothing interesting about this post, I just wanted to write something quick to kill time.

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Duplicate a Fluent-Bit Plugin

Today I am exploring how to create a copy of Kafka plugin on Fluent-Bit so that you can modify the plugin without affecting the original plugin. Don’t ask me why would anyone want to do that, it happens. I didn’t even know what Fluent-Bit and Kafka was till very recently and I happened to come across the need to duplicate the plugin to fiddle around with. Mainly to understand what is going on. Not an interesting topic but I haven’t written much blogs this year so this is the topic I chose to write. What is interesting about Fluent Bit is that you are supposed to write the plugins in C which was surprising when I heard this. Though you could probably choose to write the plugins in other languages like Go I assume.

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MATH2000 - Multivariable Calculus and Fundamentals of Analysis [Fall+Winter]

This is a course review of MATH2000 - Multivariable Calculus and Fundamentals of Analysis taken at CarletonU in the fall of 2022 and winter 2023. The lectures were synchronous but with recorded lectures to accommodate those with COVID-19 or any other illness. This is a review of the first half of the course (the course is 8 months long, 1.0 credit). This blog post is a long one so feel free to skip and read only the course review.

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Common Mistake - Divide by 0 unknownly

Math has a lot of rules and hidden intricacies. From elementary or middle schools, students are taught not to ever divide by 0. While most students take this to heart, a common mistake students make is dividing by some function or variable that can be 0 in its domain. This error is not unique to students learning Math but also made by beginners in programming.

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