Privacy Notice

Date: 2022-05-01

The site is powered by Jekyll on Github Pages. I am using Reverie as my Jekyll template. The code for the blog can be found at my github page:

Does the blog store any cookies?: Short answer: no (but 3rd party embedded iframes might store cookies)

Based on my understanding of the Jekyll template, the site does not store any cookies. However, I cannot guarantee the third party embedded iframes (such as Desmos or Godbolt Compiler Explorer) will not store cookies. These embedded iframes are used case-by-case depending on the topic of the post.

Does the blog run any trackers?: Short answer no (but Cloudflare CDN and 3rd party embedded iframes might)

Based on my understanding of the Jekyll template, the site does not run any trackers. However, I cannot guarantee the third party embedded iframes (such as Desmos or Godbolt Compiler Explorer) will not run any trackers. These embedded iframes are used case-by-case depending on the topic of the post.

However, the site uses MathJax to render Latex code for the ability to render Math symbols. All blog posts relating to math and all the course review blog posts will run MathJax which is provided by CloudFlare CDN. Please visit and read their privacy notice.