A Quick and Flawed Look Into Spatial Locality and TLB

WARNING: I am inexperienced and not knowledgeable of computer architecture. Although noted below, I will be making a claim for a simplistic computer architecture that is not easily reproducible. The blog does not have data to back up my claim. I probably will regret publishing this post. We shall see how long it stays up. In the meantime, feel free to give corrections and criticism by opening a github issue.

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Splitting Files On Linux

Today I was asked to reshare my notes from a class I took in the Fall as they noticed that they no longer have access to the files on Google Drive. Unfortunately for me, I had way too many files on Google Drive that I had to do a massive purge on my Google account which was not limited to only Drive itself but also most emails I had since 2011. Not wanting to overcrowd my Google cloud storage again, I decided to send them the notes either via email or Discord. However, the issue with that is:

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MATH3001 - Real Analysis 1

This is a course review of MATH3001 - Real Analysis 1 taken at CarletonU in winter 2023. Real Analysis is a course that is known to have devastated undergraduate Math students for generations. The course is the sucessor of MATH1052 - Calculus and Introductory Analysis 1 and the beginning of MATH2000 - Multivariable Calculus and Fundamentals of Analysis. The interesting part about CarletonU is that students are exposed to elements of analysis in first year and second year which may not hold true for students in the United States. CarletonU also offers another course in Real Analysis which confuses me what would the equivalent. All I know is that the successor course will cover more on function and Hilbert spaces and an introduction to Measure Theory.

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MATH1800 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning

This is a course review of MATH1800 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning taken at CarletonU in winter 2023. The lectures were synchronous and quizzes was where the weekly quizzes were held. This review is going to be very biased as this is “technically” my 3rd time taking this course. I first took an introductory course to Mathematical proofs over 7 years in 2015 when I first began my studies in Computer Science. This is the first course that introduces you to the world of Mathematics that is very different from the math I have been taught in my entire life and was one of the few courses that later pushed me into Mathematics despite almost failing this course at my alma mater by 1%. Read the long course description section below to read more about my thought and experience of the material of the course.

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