C Programming - Variable Length Array (VLA)

I always thought it was not possible to create a “dynamic” array in C without the use of malloc till recently where I was introduced to variable length arrays (VLA). Although the use of “dynamic” is a poor choice, the ability to allocate an array at runtime based on a variable whose value is not known till runtime came as a shock to me.

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Going Back to School - Expectations and Hopes

Perhaps I didn’t give it much thought till now. But what are my expectations and goals I want to go back to school and from this degree? That’s what I will be exploring today and on a quarterly basis as I progress through my studies. Especially since the cost of going for another degree and resigning from my job has a lot of costs financially and time.

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Going Back to School - Why I Choose to Study Math and Physics

Today’s post is part 3 of the ongoing series of my decision to go back to school. Though this post is supposed to rationalize and understand why I decided to quit my job to study math and physics, I do not think there is a good reason for this. The idea of going back to school was never a new idea to me as I have been very open to the idea of going back to school ever since I started University. Originally the agreement with my parents when deciding what to do after Highschool was that I graduate from University and they would permit me to go to trade school afterward. Although I had some interest in becoming an electrician, it was just something I decided with no particular reason and decided to stick with it throughout Highschool.

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Going Back to School - Why Would Anyone Go Back?

This is part 2 in the ongoing series where I am trying to rationalize/understand to myself and anyone interested in my decision to go back to school. Today’s post goes over why I would even consider going back to school without going into specifics about why I choose to study Math and Physics.

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Going Back to School - Another Undergrad

As the title states, I decided to resign from my job and go back to University for another undergrad. This was not something I thought about overnight but for a very long time since I was a sophomore. Terminating my employment with the company I work with isn’t due to any ill feelings to the team nor the company. I love working with my manager and with those in my team.

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