What is Name Mangling

July 12, 2021

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Today I want to explore what name mangling is in C++ and what does extern "C" means.


Recently I came across a question about name mangling from a new intern who was working with a developer to resolved an Undefined symbol error causing our aix builds to fail. While the solution was to update our makefile, the intern was curious as to what FOO_EXTERNC was. When they approached me, I had no clue. But after being told that the internal wiki states it was used to prevent mangling, I had a general idea of what FOO_EXTERNC meant in our code.

Before jumping on me that it should have been obvious based on the name, take into consideration the following:

  • we are not part of the development team but rather part of DevOps meaning we are not familiar with the source code and the macros used
  • the intern and I are not C++ programmers (I only dabbled in C++ recently after playing with C for many years)

What is Name Mangling

In C++, there’s a concept called mangling which gives variables and functions unique names so that the linker can distinguish between them. If you are a C programmer, you may be confused because every variable and function is unique. To illustrate, you cannot declare two variables with the same name if they have the same scope or declare two functions with the same name.

However, in C++ function overloading is possible. Function overloading gives the ability to create functions with the same name but with different implementations as long as there is a way to distinguish between the functions. Your compiler allows function overloading as long as the functions have a different number of arguments, different types of arguments or the presence of an ellipsis. For instance, in the example below, we have two definitions of print_val where the first one takes in an integer and the latter takes in a struct Point as an argument.

struct Point {
  int x;
  int y;

void print_data(int x) {
  std::cout << x << std::endl;

void print_data(struct Point& pt) {
 std::cout << "x: " << pt.x << " y: " << pt.y << std::endl;

int main () {
  int point = 10;
  struct Point pt = {1, 2};
  return 0;

Since C++ allows function overloading, the compiler needs to encode the function and variable so that it can uniquely identify between them so that the linker can do its job to link the correct function. For instance, on my machine (using gcc), print_data gets encoded as:

$ nm a.out | grep -E "print_data|Point"
0000000000401287 t _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z10print_datai
0000000000401186 T _Z10print_datai
00000000004011b0 T _Z10print_dataR5Point

As you can see we have two versions of print_data, one that has an i suffix for integer and the latter having R5Point to represent the struct Point. Every compiler encodes the symbols differently as there are no standards on how to mangle.

Aside: My Exposure to Name Mangling

As I stated earlier, I only recently dabbled in C++ so I wouldn’t have a need to learn about mangling. I never took a compiler course (which is a shame) but I have seen enough build logs to notice its existence.

Whenever an AIX build fails, I always see a loadmap is generated where I see all sorts of weird mangled symbols. And it’s not rare to see them in our logs when our product fails during BVT testing. It was only when I read Dennis Yurichev’s, the author of Reverse Engineering for Beginners, C/C++ Pogramming Language Notes did I realize what those weird symbols were.

What Does extern "C" Have Anything To Do With Mangling

A lot of C++ applications rely on C libraries, especially projects with older source code. This mix of languages can cause issues if you do not consider the possibility of mangling as seen in this person’s blog.

The main issue with mixing C libraries into C++ applications is that the linker will be unable to find the required symbol from the library because the C++ object file will be referencing the mangled variable/function which does not exist in the C compiled library. Hence why we need to enclose the function declaration within extern "C" block to tell the compiler to not mangle the symbols so that our linker can resolve symbols in our program. It also tells the linker the language linkage (i.e. is this symbol using C or C++ linkage. Though this is just my surface level understanding). Here’s a sample of how the header file should be formatted to prevent mangling of our C functions/variables.

#ifndef HEADER_H
#define HEADER_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

//place the function and variable declaration here
void foo();

#ifdef __cplusplus


The macro __cplusplus is defined by our C++ compiler. If the header file is preprocessed by a C compiler, __cplusplus would be evaluated to be false causing the functions to not be enclosed within the extern "C" block. You must ensure the resulting code to the compiler contains extern "C" only if __cplusplus is defined or else you will get the following result:

In file included from bluetooth.c:1:
bluetooth.h:11:8: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before string constant
   11 | extern "C" {
      |        ^~~

This technique can be seen in every major C library such as stdio.h:

00026 #ifndef _STDIO_H_
00027 #ifdef __cplusplus
00028 extern "C" {
00029 #endif
00030 #define _STDIO_H_


Let’s go through a simple example. Let’s say we are creating a program that tries to connect to a bluetooth device and we have the following into our bluetooth library:

#include "bluetooth.h"
#include <stdio.h>

//bluetooth stuff
// ...
// ...

int bt_cmp(const char *dev1, const char *dev2) {
  //do stuff
  return 0;

Let’s compile bluetooth using our beloved C compiler (I’ll be using gcc).

$ gcc -c bluetooth.c -o bt.o

Since the bluetooth binary has been created, we can use the functions from the binary in our C++ applications by including the header file bluetooth.h:

#include <iostream>
#include "bluetooth.h"

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  printf("Hello world\n");
  const char *dev = "00:11:22:33:FF:EE";
  if (bt_cmp(argv[1], dev) == 0) {
    return 0;
  return 1;

Whether or not this program will compile will depend on how the header file is written. Without the functions enclosed in extern "C", we get the following:

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccv7dyLJ.o: in function `main':
test.c:(.text+0x37): undefined reference to `bt_cmp(char const*, char const*)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Note: The command to compile is: g++ test.c bt.o -o prog

Let’s examine the issue further by compiling test.c separately (i.e. do not link with bt.o) and compare the symbol defined for bt_cmp in each of the binaries. As expected, bt.o does not mangle our symbol:

$ nm bt.o | grep bt_cmp
000000000000001d T bt_cmp

With the command g++ -c test.c -o test.o, we can compile our C++ code without linking. In the resulting binary, we see the following mangled symbol:

nm test.o | grep bt_cmp
                 U _Z6bt_cmpPKcS0_

The resulting symbol definitely does not match with the symbol defined in our bluetooth binary. Hence why the linker fails to resolve the symbol.

On a side note, you may find c++filt to be useful when debugging C++ programs. c++filt demangles symbols to be more human-readable. For instance, U _Z6bt_cmpPKcS0_ looks plain gibberish but using c++filt I can now see it’s just bt_cmp. Definitely useful when working with programs that have multiple overloaded functions since it can be hard to understand which version of the function you are working on. For instance, let’s say we have a function foo that takes in no parameter and another version of foo that takes in a single integer value. We get the following mangled symbols:

000000000040110d T _Z3fooi
0000000000401106 T _Z3foov

This may not be obvious as to what the suffix i and v mean. But if we were to demangle, we can see clearly the definition of each symbol (nm a.out | grep foo| c++filt):

000000000040110d T foo(int)
0000000000401106 T foo()

To resolve the undef error, we simply need to change the bluetooth header file with extern "C when the header file goes through a C++ compiler.


#ifdef __cplusplus

extern "C" {


int bt_cmp(const char *dev1, const char *dev2);

#ifdef __cplusplus



When mixing C libraries into C++ applications, it is important to enclose the function declarations (in the header file) with extern "C" to avoid undefined symbol errors during linktime.

Mangling is an encoding the compiler does to represent a variable or function to ensure uniqueness since C++ allows function overloading (i.e. functions that have the same name but accept different number of arguments or argument types).

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