Comments on Group Work

March 4, 2017

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Browse through your classmates’ blog posts. Respond to/comment on a post of interest. The post of interest may be one that you disagree with, one that reminds you of something else related to the course, or one that you can relate to in some way. Explain why the post was interesting to you, along with your response to the post The post of interest may also be one that you agree with. In which case, you may explain why you agree or you may add supporting ideas.

For this week’s blog post, I was assigned to read a classmates’ blog post and comment about it. A post that came to my interest is a post about group work by Justin Leung. The post interested me in not only on his view about group work but also his style of writing.

Comments on Leung’s Ideas

I agree with Leung’s view on the importance of being open to ideas and building upon them. I feel that group work allows people to enhance their work by listening to the ideas of others and critic ideas of others to create a great piece of work.Not only does group work allow you to create a higher quality of work but it also can help you solve a problem that you may be struggling with. As Leung has said in his blog post, “Two minds are better than one.”, trying to find a solution by yourself can be a very big struggle, especially when the problem can be very hard and when you approaching a problem with the wrong mindset or thought. On a recent personal experience, I recently finished a problem set that I have spent over 20 hours on since I find it extremely difficult to solve the problems. However, if I had worked on the assignment myself, I would have probably dropped out of the course due to the difficulty of the content. When tackling a question, I find it joyful to talk to my partner on how I am approaching to a problem and what they think about the approach. Of course, if I am thinking of the problem completely wrong, my partner would comment on it and also tell me how they would approach the problem. Together, we think critically on each other’s approach and find a solution that solves the problem. As Leung has wrote, “It’s worth the hard work, because the joy of group work comes from the fruit that comes after.”, I do find the worth of a hard work because eventually I am able to see the results of my partner and my own work after we finish the assignment and we also become much friendlier with each other due to all the hardship we had on the assignment.

However, a point that I disagree with Leung approach on how group work is distributed evenly and finished with less effort and time in an ideal group. I do not believe that group work should be finished with less effort. It is ideal for the group to put in effort to critic each other’s work and make more efforts in having a good quality work. This means that everyone in the group is accountable for each other and finishing the work with less time is not always necessary. A lot of time can be discussing with the group on critiquing the work of others and think of ways to improve the quality of the work. In addition, group work should not be distributed evenly. Others have weaknesses and strength. Although Leung did mention about how a person may not know what they are doing, I think a person’s schedule has to be also taken account when distributing work. The idea of group work is to cover each other’s strength and weaknesses and also building up on the project by giving inputs on their ideas and thoughts of each others work and how to solve the problem.

Style of Writing

The reason why this blog caught my attention is the way how Leung writes his blog. I love how he writes the opening paragraph by having several questions that sounds sarcastic. Leung writes in a way that is not too informal and yet not formal. This tone of writing allows readers to be more interested to continue reading since it does not sound too dull. Leung likes to be very personal by giving his thoughts in a more interesting way and is more personal on the blog like he is talking to you. I also loved how he included an old saying to create an overview of his point. The main reason why I like his style of writing is how much it contrasts from the way I write. As you can probably see from this blog on how long my blog posts are and that I do not become to personal in the work I write. I lack on writing very concise blogs and grabbing attention from the readers.

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