QNX is 'Free' to Use
November 9, 2024
Recently on Hackernews, a relations developer from QNX announced that QNX is now free for anything non-commercial. QNX also made an annoncement to the LinkedIn Community as well which was where I learned about it. For those who are not familiar with QNX, QNX is a properiety realtime operating system targetted for embedded systems and is installed in over 255 million vehicles. QNX has a great reputation for being reliable and safe embedded system to build software on top of due to its microarchitecture and compliance to many industrial and engineering design process which gives customers the ability to certify their software in safety critical systems more easily. What makes QNX appealing is a discussion on another time but for me, this is a good opportunity to fiddle around with the system. I was previously denied a license from my university who had an agreement with QNX and my attempts to get an educational license did not go far years ago.